Founded in 1970 to help promote foreign 高雄外約,trade, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) is the foremost non-profit trade promotion organization in Taiwan. Jointly sponsored by the government, industry associations, and several co妹妹ercial organizations, TAITRA assists Taiwan businesses and manufacturers with reinforcing their international competitiveness and in coping with the challenges they face in foreign markets,
TAITRA boasts a well-co高雄當舖, ordinated trade promotio大發網,n and information network of over 1,200 trained specialists stationed throughout its Taipei headquarters, four local branch offices in Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, and over 50 overseas branch offices worldwide. Together with its sister organizations, Taiwan Trade Center (TTC) and Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC), T聚左旋乳酸,AITRA has created a wealth of trade opportunities through effective promotion strategies。